Friday, April 17, 2009

Nature and I

It's pretty boring to be at home, to be honest. What's more, most of my close friends are not back in town. My course structure is a bit different from theirs. More often than not, my holidays don't coincide with theirs too.

Hence, in order to escape from boredom, I jog at the riverside occasionally in a dismal attempt to maintain my weight (which I think I've failed to), apart from squandering my time on Planetromeo and watching Jap porn. Though it definitely doesn't burn as many calories as working out in a gym does, I guess the invigorating fresh air, breath-taking greenery and tranquility which environment has to offer are worth it. Oh ya...not to mention the sweaty muscular guys who jog past me and greet my nostrils with their sexually arousing body scent. I also notice that they are fond of taking their shirts off after a vigorous jog to let their bodies cool down, generously exposing the beautiful bulges that sometimes turn me on.

Reflection of the sky and the evergreen trees on the still water surface....

An abandoned dinghy
Have you seen a cotton tree before? Those banana-like entities are actually unripe cotton seeds.That's the cotton.
I saw a baby monkey in captivity. Chained to a tree. I guess it helps its master to pluck coconuts from the coconut trees.


  1. Wow! Dude... you r with Nature ... so nice :) Which part of Malaysia is your hometown?

  2. so beautiful. :) i love nature too.

  3. Kangar is quite different from Johor, interesting. We don't see any monkeys or cotton trees here.

  4. Are you sure they're not taking of their shirts cos they caught you looking? ;)

  5. TZ, KL has answered u.

    hamster me, yeah it is. thanks for dropping by though. haha.

    JL,i bet there r some in the jungle =)

    Bunny, err...who knows? wakakkaka
