Saturday, July 11, 2009

Poker face

I realize I've become very pretentious of late.

Don't get me wrong. I don't tell lies. In fact, I think I'm a lousy liar.

I have the tendency to repress my my real feelings and emotions in front of people whom I've known only superficially.

I can look very calm when I'm blazing with wrath deep inside.

When faced with an unjust treatment, I don't always get pissed off and voice out my discontent, unless the situation really calls for retaliation.

Sometimes, I do things which which I don't really like, if I know not doing it will provoke others.

When you're being randomly put into a group of people with whom you'll be spending the rest of the year doing the same postings together, it's only wise to be on good terms with everyone. And this entails a lot of tolerance and understanding.

Is being pretentious part of growing up? Or is there a nicer word to replace it?

I think it's prerequisite to survival.

Darn. I wish I were a child.


  1. Aiya, it's okay. Really, working with difficult people is a part of life.

  2. Ya beeped me last nite kiddo?

    Sorry, working folks need to sleep early :P

  3. it's alright to put on a poker face~ kekeke part of survival really~

  4. Don't show me fake face, or I tempeleng you. lol.

    But can never really hide la. :P

  5. Start getting used to working with difficult idiots :) Plenty more to come.
