Saturday, August 21, 2010

I miss my mom

I'm eating my breakfast which I bought from the cafeteria downstairs. I didn't want to take the trouble to drive out. It doesn't taste nice at all.

I miss my mom the most whenever I'm sitting an exam.

I can distinctly recall how the world revolved around me when a exam was around the corner back in primary of high school. My mom was always there. She was my emotional pillar. I had the tendency to tell her how nervous and helpless I felt just to swap for a few words of encouragement although deep in my heart, I knew I would always pass, if not ace. Besides, I always had the nicest and most nutritious food to eat. It felt so nice to be pampered.

With the passing of time, the game became harder and more complicated. Now, with the passing mark set at 65 %, the stress is exsanguinating.

Aih. I'm still struggling to finsh my breakfast. I need the glucose.

I still have 20,000 topics to revise.

I miss my mom. I wish I didn't have to grow up.

No. Just in case you're wondering, I don't have dependent personality disorder. I just miss my mom.

Can someone just pamper me till my exam ends? ;p


  1. what kind of pampering... hmmm :>

  2. I will only gv you Hug-hug only...HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH..:P

  3. eric, sexual pampering.

    nicky, haha. u seem to be into hugging big time.

  4. opps...i mean ...non-sexual pampering.

  5. All the best. Stay strong. U'll be alright. U know u can do it!!!

  6. my mum was like that too!
    always had nice, so called 'brain food' during exams :)

    "There, there, everything is going to be fine!"

    hahaha that was me trying to offer non-sexual pampering.. don't think it works though :p

  7. substitute mom with porn!

    wait, that didn't come out right. >_>

  8. *Sigh* I know how you feel.

    Just try to eat good food. Thats what I do now when I have exams. Good luck! *hug* :)

  9. mum was also my pillar during my exam time...she spent lotsa time doing revision for me...hmmm, your post makes me miss my mum too...
