Monday, October 4, 2010

Tuls, thank you

I'm really really tense.

My last class today ended at 8pm. My mind could barely absorb anything when someone was going through some of the inconsequential details of the management of hepatic encephalopathy based on the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.

I feel so tired. I feel like crying. I feel like collapsing.

I've got so many things to do. So many things to read up on.

I have to present a case of Crohn's disease to the head of the medical department tomorrow. I've got a case report which I've completed due to procrastination. I've just rejected a girl very politely by coming out to her. It was a spur-of-moment decision which I hope I won't regret. Apart from that, my beloved car is still being hospitalized. And I'm still waiting indefinitely for it to be discharged.

I texted Tuls out of desperation and frustration, compelling him to say something nice that would soothe my soul.

To my surprise, he did, very obediently.

I smiled.

I really did.

I wish I had my own boyfriend (instead of someone else's) whom I can exploit when I'm in such a predicament.

But, for a moment, I could forget the saddening fact that there'd been nothing really significant in my sexual history and grinned as I read his SMS-es for the second time.

Thank you, Tuls.


  1. i wonder whats the contents kekeke...

  2. Life always have its ups and downs. When you feel down, up is next. Don't give up yet. Believe in yourself. This is part of the training in medicine, to toughen all of us up. I remember the many nights where I stayed up all night just to study, write last minute case reports and prepare for bedside case presentation. Think of your ambition and goal when everything else seems to break down. You can do it!

    p/s: Yay for people like tuls.

  3. You have been through all the tough times and I believe you are strong enough to weather the turbulence too. Have faith in yourself.

  4. What Little Dove commented says it all. Keep your chin up. When the going gets tough, keep walking.....n you sure will weather it through. You will some day down the road look back and wonder how u made it through... Your grit determination will make all the difference.

  5. Hope you are alright and start kicking again. Sometimes we'll feel tired, and you need good people to lift you up. Then you can continue on the journey again.

  6. speaking of texts... did u change ur number? texted you about ur accident, but u didnt reply :(

  7. Life life to the fullest and be happy!its a usual thing that good things will come after bad things:)

    Lucas and tuls have ur number already but i didnt have:(
