Thursday, March 3, 2011

Spiritually uplifted

I performed a neurological examination on a boy with a non-neurological pathology today. 

Nothing warms your heart more than a co-operative kid who beams broadly at you and obeys all your instructions. He's very very adorable so much so that, for a brief moment of insanity, I actually wished that I had a son like him. 

It's so heart-warming to hear his chuckles when I tested his Babinski's reflex. To see his cheerful facial expression when I stroke my tendon hammer against his patellar tendon. And to see the joy and innocence in his eyes as I built my rapport with him.

It's impossible to describe in words how uplifted I felt just by these simple gestures. You have to experience it yourself to understand what I'm trying to convey. 

That's one thing I like about paediatric patients. They have no pretense at all. And when they smile, you know that they like you and it just miraculously makes you feel good and boosts your confidence.

The kid was treated for acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis. He's doing absolutely fine. Doubt he'll develop any complications. May he be discharged soon!

I feel so great now that it eclipses my underlying melancholy which is in a way related to my previous post. Occasionally, I wonder why certain things seem so ordinary and easily attainable by others and yet, to me, they always appear to be so indistinct on the distant horizon, blurred by a thick mist of impossibility in between and forever out of my reach.

Never mind. I still feel great now. And I also feel a tremendous sense of achievement for I correctly calculated the amount of fluid correction needed for another kid with acute gastroenteritis with severe dehydration.

Now, who wants to make babies with me? 

Although I'm apparently not a good candidate for fathering a child, considering that I lost my wallet twice within a year, I still want to. Period.


  1. go buy ovums,they are in the trend these years. XD

  2. What is it with men and babies???

  3. lets adopt one together lucci!! *smiling at bubu*

  4. sounds interesting, so how do u make one? is that like making love minus the condom part?? sure wouldnt mind trying.. =p

  5. kids smile are so smiles are sometimes not:p
