Monday, May 21, 2012

My relationship is not working

Alright. Maybe I lied. Actually, I don't think my relationship is working.

We've been arguing quite intensely with each other lately, apparently due to the lack of compatibility between us.

I remember how desperate I was to find love when I was single back then. Ironically, after having found a seemingly perfect boyfriend, I feel like going back to singlehood.

I can feel that something's not right about my relationship. I'm dragging it on with a lot pain and heartbreaks. If you were to ask me to picture the image of the guy I'd get married to, it's not his face I'd visualize.

Whenever we quarrel, I tend to have the burning desire to break up with him. Sadly, I never have the courage to bring this up to him. And I tell myself that it's okay, Things will be better. Or perhaps, I don't want him to be devastated. Although a break up with him will release me from the immense stress that this relationship has put on me, I know it'll deal a heavy blow to him.

But then, everything has a limit. 

I really hope things will get better.


  1. It's always been like that. When we're single we want to attached, but when we're attached, at times we feel it's better to live in singlehood. It's even more so when it's your first love. You're not alone. Everyone feels that way. It's a matter on how we learn to love the worst part of each other.

    Disagreements are always there between anyone even your friends and family. You quarrel with each other because both of you care for each other. Always remind yourself on the things you love about him.

  2. Compatibility is important. It will ease a lot of unnecessary problem. Communication is important as well. Please quarrel fairly. Listen and sharing.
