Monday, May 10, 2010

Somehow, Jacob knew I was into him, I guess.

It seems I'm not his type. He asked Dan to convey the message to me. Dan comforted me and asked me not to feel bad.

I told him I was completely fine and it's no big deal.

However, I was lying. My heart ached. I felt so inferior and lonely all of a sudden. I didn't even have the mood to continue playing DotA.

But, life's like that. Most people don't always get what they want. And as for me, I never get what I want.

I'm nothing but a lovesick person with a fragile heart. Why do I always fall for guys who turn out to be straight or gay guys who never bother to take a second look at me?


  1. Hey buddy, take it easy k. Maybe by the time I write this, you are ok ady. I know how you feel because like you, I also fall for the same all the time. I am sure one day we shall find the one. Yes, like it or not, Life is Like That!

  2. thanks dude. i like u.=) yeah life's like that
