Thursday, April 29, 2010


Well well well... it seems that Faculty King's gay. KP's straight. And there's another gay among the UKM med students who took the first move to add me on Facebook. Let's call him Jacob. It doesn't take a genius to guess his intention, which was to see more of my pics to confirm my sexual preference. Yet, I was really shocked that he's gay. I mean, I wasn't even suspicious that he's gay. Now I know what the word 'straight-acting' means. On a closer look, he's kinda cute too.

To make matters worse, Dr. D told them I'm gay. Felt a bit betrayed as initially I thought he was on my side. And the fact that he told him I had a crush on them totally drove me crazy as that's not totally true and it made me sound like a desperate whore.

It seems that I'm not the only one with a functional gaydar. Should have been more cautious.

According to Dr. D, the duo were 99% sure I was gay before he revealed to them that I was. I was wondering if I was so obviously gay.

They're flying back to Malaysia in two days' time. Hopefully, I won't bump into them by then as I know I will feel extremely embarassed.

In the meantime, I feel sorry for the girls. Ahaks.


  1. Don't feel embarassed. Certainly not Ding's place to out you though.

  2. I think Dr Ding thinks he is giving you a hand. lol

  3. despo whore, not!
    juz a lil horny at times, maybe?! lolz
    Agreed with savante, Dr. Ding's recruitment drive wuz a noti move.

  4. Always be proud of who you are. Having them know you like them shouldn't embarass you. If they don't like you, it's their loss.

  5. if guys can be trusted koala could climb trees. oh they do climb trees. lolx. just be more careful when u want to trust people nowadays.

  6. Only Savante has that sort of courage. Oh Savante, would you please impart some of that bravery to us?

    Please be careful in future with whom you choose to tell.

  7. yup, tst is gay...xd....
    good luck man

  8. just pretend nothing happen and confront it when necessary? and what punishment u meted out to dr D then? haha..

  9. Hmm. Generally the younger you are, the less you want to be out. Don't worry - eventually you get to a stage where it really doesn't matter to your friends and work colleagues.
