Monday, May 31, 2010


I did something that I seriously regret now. I should NOT have revealed his sexual preference to some stranger without obtaining his permission.

I came clean to him with what I'd done and it seems he's offended.

I just started to get along well with him and I really don't wish that my mistake would hinder our platonic friendship from blossoming.

I feel stupid for what I did. I would have been enraged if I were him.

Dude, I'm really sorry. I cannot undo what I've done. I hope you can forgive me.


  1. We all make mistakes. Hopefully he will forgive and forget your bad judgement.

    To err is human, to forgive is divine.

  2. I feel it'll now depend on how you make it up to him now onwards.

  3. If it was unintentional and you have regretted over what you have done, he shall be ok...all the best and hope to see your relationship with him blossoming...

  4. Kerana mulut badan binasa. What's done is done. Cannot be taken back. Hope you can salvage the situation.

  5. pengzzzz. Be more careful!

    (not end of the world tho, hope ur fren realises that)
