Monday, December 13, 2010


Most of the time, I'm able to maintain a facade of of optimism despite being surrounded by friends who're incorrigibly homophobic.

Unfortunately, it seems I ain't that good in covering up my sexuality. Maybe, I was careless. Maybe, I thought that with the staggering number of gays in our population, people would no longer see homosexuality as an abomination and subconsciously, I began to express myself more boldly. Apparently, I was wrong.

'Macho' isn't a word I'd use to describe myself. Yet, I'm pretty confident that I don't have those mannerisms gay enough to arouse others' suspicion. Perhaps, I did a mistake by publicly airing my liking for Glee and reading 'Eat, Pray, Love' in class. Perhaps, I shouldn't have worn that yellow Paul Frank shirt the other day.

As a consequence, some of my colleagues now seem convinced that I swing the other way. Although I haven't really been ostracized or sneered at, I feel extremely disturbed by the their malicious display of homophobic remarks which has successfully enfeebled the tough front I've always put on.

I remember when I was younger, I liked to make up fairy tales and indulge in an imaginary wonderland in which I was a little prince in disguise, mistakenly thrust into this cruel world to endure the torments by the homophobes. And one day, my knight in shining armor would come to my rescue and ride me back to the castle where we'd be happily married ever after.

However, every now and then, I find myself inundated with pessimistic thoughts and a crushing desolation no one can possibly understand. I feel extremely exasperated when people make idiotic comments about homosexuality, even though they might not be referring to me. I'm full of vengeance and brood. But, I'm unable to retaliate. Sometimes, I just wish I could walk away from all these nonsense.

As for Mom, I've developed my own ingenious ways of pleasing her, which include a 1500 ringgit handbag purchased using my personal savings, with the hope that the pestering would become less. But, frankly, I don't know when it'd be tacitly understood for her that I'm never going to have a girlfriend.

I hope that very soon, the universe will shift and destiny's molecules will be precisely organized for my path to criss-cross that of my knight in real life.

I need a lot of hugs. :(


  1. Well, perhaps in this lifetime, acceptance is not going to be easy nor fast in Asia. Nothing comes easy in life also, so cheer up as there's plenty of us out there. If we can't break the rules, at least we topple them in their own game :) Likewise, disregard any hatred and use the art of persuasion/friendship, one at a time.


  2. hwa that Linda girl on your cbox very persistent hor,, i think you got persuer la!! wahahahaha... i think youre str8 lucifer!!

  3. my aunt and her friend actually asked me during dinner today if i was ~ and i had to laugh it off. i'd have to act as if i'm amused by the homophobic jokes some of my friends make as well. it's really debilitating to have to put on that facade all the time. but well, we can only learn to block out such comments since they aren't gonna stop anytime soon.

  4. It is going to take a while for acceptance to develop. And you'd be surprised but guys are far more oblivious than you think. Don't think they'd know you're gay even if you carried a feather boa and danced at MP. So their homophobic comments might not be pointed at you.

  5. More hugs to you... take it easy ya..

  6. *hugs*
    My aunts had actually asked me in front of my parents & whole extended family if i was les..
    i had to laugh it off..
    the worse part is, everyone in my family is homophobic..

  7. Probably you are over sensitive about how people see you...and they may not think that way. Nonetheless, 抱抱 from Sky.

  8. well, each of everyone have different ways of handling stuff like this. Nevertheless, i think that the outcome of your family and close people around you know that you are gay wouldn't be that bad as you think (Same things happen to me ). Anyway just take your time and eventually time will do the job for you. *HUGS*

  9. You know what you should do? One of these days, you should just show them the finger and tell them to F*** off. Maybe you can do it on your graduation day after which you dont have to see them anymore, hopefully. Or I can help you do it. Why should your life be affected in anyway, however small it is, by their ignorant, judgmental and foolish comments. And DON'T YOU EVER let anyone or anything crush your spirits, whatmore by these people whom you don't even care about.

  10. *big big HUG*

    A lot of us here know how it feels.
    Unfortunately, we are still the minority.

    Be strong! :)

  11. helix, how do we topple them? ahaha. kindly educate. i'd love to know that.

    Tuls, Linda is a bug/virus.erm so....u think i'm atr8?

    LMO, well my relatives haven't really mentioned anything yet. but i think it's not gonna take very long for that to happen.

    nicky, nah i ain.t

    savante,well that's what i initially thought. but it seems i happen to hv friends who're really sharp and constantly collecting every piece of evidence that points to the fact that i m gay. ahh.

    pikey, thanks.

    skyhawk, thanks. hug hug. :) can i have a real one? haha. well i can't help feeling sensitive.

    sky, it's not going to be bad. it's going to be catastrophic.

    eunice, i m not sure if that'll work. coz the last thing i wanna do is to confirm their doubts that i'm p.but whatever. they can talk whatever they want. but they can't away my spirit. and thanks a lot for ur support. :)

    jboy, thanks :)

  12. Thank God my mom has yet to start with that!!!

    But if she does, that's it!!! I'll flee the country!!!

  13. Oh lil prince, I'll be your knight ;p hahaha, dont worry, I'm keeping my fingers crossed too that one day when my parents know, they will accept me.

  14. Either be the worst feared powerful gay that excelled in or just beat them in their best endeavors without invoking hatred, showing that you're just human and sexual preference ain't a big deal, loving you for who you are. Kinda easier said than done aye?


  15. hdaran, sounds too drastic a measure! haha

    lucas, erm all the best! :)

    helix, either way is difficult. ahhh.

  16. i guess different people deal with it differently.

    different folks, different strokes.

    i am very fortunate to have been able to have found friends who have been very accepting (or tolerant at the very least!) in spite of their personal opinions on the spectrum that is sexuality. heck, one homophobic guy even accompanied me to Gay Pride in Birmingham this year.

    true friends will remain regardless. it's not how many friends one has. but how much of a friend they are, right?

    anyways, sexuality is a small part of a person. i am sure your friends will still love you for who you are and what you mean to them, deep down, aww being as special as you are ;P

  17. Creepy... sounds pretty much like my story.

    filial piety sucks balls.

  18. no comment but good luck~
    and hug from me.

    [Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot
