Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fat pads

Oh my god. I've got very ugly pics of mine on Facebook. I'm depressed. I know it's very childish of me to mind this but I can't help it. And I can't blame the person who uploaded them. I bet he didn't realize that most of the pics he took of me were from angles which made me look outrageously fat and unattractive.

Why? Why? Why?

Why do I gain weight so easily?

I know many things have been genetically pre-destined. But why does it have to be me?


Perhaps, I should just keep on believing that I look attractive and in the meantime make serious efforts to get rid of the obnoxious fat pads on almost every square inch of my body. I've got to pretend I don't give a damn about what people think about me for the time being.


  1. Untag! And pull a Lingam-- tell people that it is someone that looks very much like you, but not you.

  2. oohh......wat is ur facebook id? hee....

  3. omg I want to untag some unflattering pictures of myself as well, but I don't want to offend my friends or let them know I care! But we have to look out for potential men that may dig through our photos too! maybe just 1 or 2 pics less wouldn't hurt...

  4. LOL, I love your last sentence. :) It is very real, most of the time we care, but we have to pretend that we don't care. :)

  5. try to look beyond the superficial lo...pretend that u have a beautiful heart LOL

  6. Hey be beautiful inside and it will show :)

  7. common...dont be sad :)
    no matter what angle, its still you. You must practice selfproud! wakaka

  8. Every night I continuosly send one question to God asking why I can't get fat.

    You're too lucky.
    I'm too slim.

  9. least u know u had enopugh food man..u are lucky..some of our friends some where aprt on this earth did not have enough food ok...u should be having the same prob as ya think (+)

  10. kor, don't think that'll work.

    dad, me for it. =D

    kris, errm....i think i've turned off many potential men. T_T

    cest la vie, we're just human.

    bluesoul, i'll try. hehe

    paul, i AM beautiful on the inside.

    jason, that's sweet.

    rebyn, well, wish i could donate some fat to u. haha.

    hafizmal, it's not abt food. i really get fat easily.

  11. Honey, I've gained at least 5 kilos in the past 3 weeks. How do you think that makes me feel? Do I think about it and wallow in self-pity? Definitely not!
