Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rants of a lazy worm

I'm under a lot of stress. Allow me to write something childish.

My end-of-posting exam will be held next Monday. And here I am, still writing my case reports and slacking off.

I could have completed my assignments much earlier. That would give me more time to revise now. Yet, I procrastinated. I spent lots of time online, going for movies and hanging out with 2 gay friends whom I had just got acquainted to.

I really do emulate my female course-mates who always manage to finish their assignments way before the deadline. Arghh... what a lazy worm I am.

I read with envy and shock about how Little Dove was enticed into having sex by a medical officer in the ward. Alright. I admit I'm jealous. I was wondering why this sorta thing had never happened to me. I believe that I'm charming. So, what went wrong? Well, I don't mean to say that I have the craving for getting laid. It's morally bad and will wipe away all the karmic merits I've accrued over the years. =D

Nonetheless, whenever I see Dr Phuah passing by, the fantasy of grabbing his butt and banging him never fails to surface on my mind. Ahaks. Dr Phuah's cute and adorable. And his ass is tight, seriously. He's mainly in the medical ward. Yet, he comes to the orthopaedic ward occasionally. That's when I get to ogle at him. I noticed that there's nothing on his ring fingers and he smiled to me a couple of times. Oh my gosh, is that a sign?

No worries. I think I just feel lonely. I suppose I'm still very much a decent and down-to-earth kampung boy who has never been mistaken as a sexual pervert. I'll try to stay strong and not give in to lust.

Oh well, I think should be studying now. The orthopaedic surgeons are generally very friendly. Am keeping my fingers crossed that they'll be lenient and friendly during the exam too.


  1. Hehe. Such notti thoughts!! Good luck on your exam.

  2. I feel the same way too.. I'm jealous!
    Where is the love?? I need!

  3. You're just being a student with the procrastinating etc! Don't have to emulate the studious too much so long as you can get it all done.

    ...And seems like you might be the one doing all the hugging instead of getting hugged like Lil' Dove. :P

  4. hahhahahhahha......i wonder how Dr phuah will react if he sees this post...jump into bed with you immediatetly if not sooner? hahaha :) you got my write me if you want, wana see what you want to tell me in pvt :)

  5. hard to imagine a medical officer being visually molested by his medical student

  6. Dude, all the best to your Monday exam eh~

  7. kor, thanks.

    lm, aih. me too.

    janvier, yeah. i think that's the difference between me and lil dove. haha.

    manglish, i'm not even sure if he's gay. but i wish he is. haha. don't say me like that weih. i m not that wild. die die. my reputation spoilt dy.

    bluesoul, hard? u mean u r hard? =)

    tz, thanks

  8. I believe you are very charming. Best wishes for your ortho exam! ^_^

  9. ur exam is just around the conner and u still wanna hiao ar?? memang must kena spank at the ass! piak!

  10. thanks, lil dove. =) thanks for believing me. ahaha.

    paul j, wanna spank me? =p

  11. Concentrate on your studies! And btw, you are charming. :)

  12. omyfreakinggod...

    if he's not wearing supertightskinny jeans, how else didja know he's a tight ass?


    notti boi!

    p/s:sometimes, u need to make the first move i guess?

    p/p/s: i so very envy hospitals in malaysia....i kept hearing stories similar to ur Little Dove's experiences from my friends who're studying here/m'sia.... numerous of em tooo.... and no, getting laid / craving to get laid is NOT's normal!

  13. bunny, thanks. hehe..

    raeshad, well no la. he doesn't wear those jeans. but i like his ass. lol. erm, i'm sure they're hot white doctors or nurses in dublin. right?

  14. sry .dr phuah's a guy, freedom09. =p
