Sunday, September 5, 2010

My one-week break

Today's the last day of my one-week break.

I enjoyed every single second of my break. I was too busy playing.

We spent hours and hours on DotA and KTV. I was also able to finish half of Jodi Picoult's latest page turner entitled 'House Rules'. It's about a brilliant boy with Asperger's disorder who got accused of a murder he didn't commit. These are things I don't get to do when there're classes. And the thought of being able to sleep till my heart's content made life seem like a bed of roses. Well, at least for a week.

Derrick was in town last weekend. He asked me if I'd like to meet him and his friends in a local club. We aren't very close, partly due to the geographical difference between us. However, I'd say he's one of my most favourite gay friends. I still remember the white D&G shirt which revealed his perfectly sculptured chest that he wore when we first met. What he ordered in Delicious in Bangsar Village where we had our first meal together. I like his sense of humour.

Unfortunately, my car battery was dead. And one of the tyres was flat. Which explains why I couldn't meet him. Sigh. I guess my beloved car is in an imminent danger of multi-organ failure. He's aged. And I can only do so much to prolong his life.

Tomorrow's a new start. Hopefully, I'll get to meet cute housemen that'll keep me motivated make me go to the ward more than I'm supposed to. Besides, I look forward to clerking patients who're farmers or fishermen. They're usually hot. And I love to perform physical examinations on them, not for my solitary pleasure, but to hone my skills as a preparation for my end-of-posting exam. =D

I'll be playing paintball with my friends in the evening. RM 45 for 250 pellets. Hope it's worth it and that it'll mark a beautiful end to my one-week break.

Signing out.


  1. Enjoy your paintball...and finally see your new posting after so long.

  2. So what's your next posting? How many more years left to go before housemanship?

  3. hhahaahahaha.. im foreseeing many permanent lovebites later!! hahahaha.... enjoy your 250pellets.. dont keep... just shoot all of them.. jino's line ~ A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot ~ hahahahaha

  4. Great to see u posting again. This time a cheery post. All recharged and ready yeah. All the best cos it will be a tough posting. :)

  5. Yeah right? like we will believe just physical examination...that's more meets the eyes..:D

  6. sky sky, nice to hear from u! =)

    savante, erm, 9 months to go. haha. internal medicine posting.

    tulsy, siao la. i don't let my patients bite me k. only vampires r allowed. hot ones.

    carpe diem, thanks.

    nicky, haha, u bet.

  7. u got read Jodi Picoult book! her book not bad. read my sister's keeper.. nice.. KL where got nice KTV? i going there in Nov.. lol :)

