Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Allow me to sound immature. Just once.

I feel extremely stupid today.

Isn't medicine supposed to be a noble profession?

But, why does everyone seem to have his or her own hidden agenda?

Why does everyone seem so self-centred?

Shouldn't knowledge be shared?

Why are brilliant people so difficult to mix with?

Why do certain people who seem so benign and friendly can suddenly become so selfish?

Why am I always among the  unfortunate who're victimized?

Am I being too sensitive and kiasu?

Am I being too naive?

Now, I believe that there ain't no one in this world who'll stand by you and always look out for you like your mother.

Let me anger and hatred consume me. For today.

Let me translate my grudges and negative emotions into voiceless words here, the only place I can express my frustration without the fear of being judged.

I will grow emotionally stronger from tomorrow onwards.

But, I do not want to be like them. I do not want to lose my innocence and naivete.

I want to be remembered as the naive boy who's so enthusiastic about weight loss but invariably becomes orally indisciplined on seeing appetizing food and extremely remorseful after the reactionary binge.

If I can how my concern to patients without expecting any sort of reciprocation, I believe I can do the same to my colleagues.

子曰:“君子周而不比,小人比而不周 。”

学业上的竞争及现实生活中不必要的尔虞我诈, 真是令人筋疲力尽。



  1. let me answer some of ur questions:
    1.yes and no..even robin hood made thieve as a 'noble' profession.

    2.not everyone have their own hidden agenda...some just go with the flow

    3.Unfortunately it's a norm for many people to be self-centered nowadays mainly coz they dont know which is important and which is not

    4.all knowledge should be shared and need to be monitored to avoid misuse of it

    5.everyone have their own 'rulebook' order for 2 or more people to mix together both of their rulebook should be flexible enough to not clash with each others...some of these so-called brilliant people don't have good rulebook hence it influences their interpersonal skills(and vice versea) and makes them hard to mixed with.

  2. 6.It's what malay said:sedangkan pantai boleh berubah inikan pula hati manusia..

    7.i dont know u well but maybe coz u look victimized enough to them to turn u into their victim.

    8.emotionally stronger doesn't necessary make u compulsory to discard ur innocence and naivete people treat you depends on how they remember and know you as...

    ~goodnight and take care~

  3. All I know is that, the world is round and still turning. People just dont stand in one point, they will moving forward. And dont bring stress upon urself for all this. It's not worth. As my fren quoted " You only have one life to do whatever you want with. In 100 years
    nobody will remember the stupid mistakes you made so make a fool of yourself while you still have the chance because if you spend all your
    life trying to be the coolest kid around you will never be happy with yourself."..:)

  4. Just know that there are all kinds of people around us. Stay with the good ones and get rid of the bad ones. You'll be fine!

  5. Just remember the good ones and forget the bad. And make sure you never repeat their mistakes when it comes to your turn.

  6. Take a lesson from it and you have a better experience handling it... it's the life as we know it.

  7. There many types of ppl out there, we learn thru our experience...for those who may not know 君子周而不比,小人比而不周

    比:勾结, 指以利和.

  8. Well~ :) I have met friends who have complained the same~

    It may be due to individuality, it may be due to the environment, it may be both; but it seems that situational factors contribute quite alot to this phenomenon of 'knowledge-selfishness'.

    I know friends who met people who are very selfish with their knowledge (from a certain U), but I personally know lots who are not (from another U). But of course, I'm not outing the effects individualism have on this issue.

    But I guess such is life, and we need to live with it >.< Just be yourself :) When you are true, then... well, I'm a happy-go-lucky person, and being myself rocks ^^

    Take Carez =P

  9. lower ur expectations... My coursemates are roughly the same...

  10. I may be stereotyping but I do find that a lot of people keep the trump card to themselves, from students to chefs. The wealthy will cheat you for a single sen just because to them it just is a game. The smarty will want to make sure that you are a few steps away from them so they forever will be no. 1. All in the name of competition.

    Fret not for you need not stoop so low. Life is a journey. Getting there first does not make you the best. Arriving last does not make you any less. Knowing that you lugged your buddies along to make sure that all cross the finishing line would be exhilarating and euphoric.

    You are well bred and you know the right from the wrong. So do not compromise on the principles and living rules you were brought up with.

    Wish them well for one day down the road they too will need to learn their lessons of Life!
