Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ankle sprain

I sprained my left ankle and fell while playing basketball. An inversion injury which involved twisting of my plantarflexed foot. Some of the fibres of the ligaments might have been torn, I suppose.

Now there’s a localized swelling on my sprained ankle. And the 5 cardinal signs of acute inflammation – rubor(redness), tumor (swelling), calor (heat), dolor (pain) and functio laesa (loss of function) – are becoming more and more obvious. Besides, my gait has been affected too. It hurts when I walk.

Hope it’s not God’s punishment on me for fantasizing about the cute, hot, muscular, athletic and sweaty guys with six packs in the basketball court. Ha.


  1. awwww... poor guy, hope yr foot recover well ya...

  2. so ke lian... hope u hv a speedy recovery.... & dun fantasy too much... lolx :x

  3. pikey & mikey: hehe. thx la.just minor injury anyway.:)

  4. :P it took me 2 weeks for my swelling to go away last time...
